Exclusive News: Deceptive man claiming single dad status exposed by Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin as married with four wives and over 10 children

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Watch How Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin exposed Man with four wives and over 10 children lying to be a single dad.

Mr. Koko's deception exposed: Mercyland Church Marriage Council uncovers the truth behind this man's false identity to exploit Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin's kindness.

The man, known as Mr. Koko, had been attending the church for a few months, claiming to be a single father of three in need of financial assistance. However, during a recent prophetic service, Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin revealed that Mr. Koko was actually a married man with four wives and over 10 children.

The revelation shocked the congregation, as Mr. Koko had gained sympathy and support from the church members for his supposed single father status. The Church Marriage Council, upon further investigation, discovered that Mr. Koko had been deceiving not only the church but also his new spouse, who was unaware of his existing family.

Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin, known for his generosity and spirit of giving, was disappointed by the deception and urged Mr. Koko to come forward and seek forgiveness. The church members were divided in their opinions, with some calling for Mr. Koko to be expelled from the church, while others believed in redemption and forgiveness.

The incident serves as a cautionary tale for individuals seeking financial assistance under false pretenses. Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin has emphasized the importance of honesty and integrity, urging his followers to always be truthful and transparent in their dealings.

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As for Mr. Koko, he now faces the consequences of his deceitful actions and must confront the consequences of his lies. The Church Marriage Council has advised him to seek counseling and reconciliation with his wives and children, in order to make amends for his wrongdoing.

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